Incident Management Plan development

Explore what makes a Incident Management Plan development so important to your organisation, and how Fixinc runs one.

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We've supported organisations like yours with Incident Management Plan development.
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the what

What is Incident Management Plan development?

Incident Management Plan Development is a framework tailored to the unique organisational structures and requirements. The framework will include simple and easy to use documentation in the form of action plans and supporting procedures to enable the timely recovery of the organisations operational processes. Plans will also closely align with existing emergency management documentation to ensure an integrated outcome for the organisation.  Your Incident Management Plan will include Incident classification and assessment tools, communication strategies, practical checklists and response protocols, specific roles and responsibilities, site cordon instructions, and emergency contacts.
resilience ecosystem

How Incident Management Plan development fits into the Tungsten Diamond.

At this stage in the Incident Management lifecycle, Fixinc will design solutions that enable the organisation to respond to an incident and continue to provide its prioritised activities. 

Proactive mitigation measures are designed to address the risks and threats identified in the analysis stage. Mitigation measures can be implemented to protect the organisation and reduce the impact of disruption to the prioritised activities.

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